“A crazy thing happened in a little Facebook group I started on July 9, 2018, with about 500 people. A bunch of us got skinny!” — Amanda Rose, Ph.D.
Start Here!
The Home of the “Century Bears”
We measure the community’s success big: 100lb loss cases. We call them “Century Bears.”

The Legendary U.S. Post Office Story!
Nearly “breaking” a rural post office (and ending up in the U.S. Postal Employees magazine…)
From a zip code with 256 people (yes, that’s right — 256 people), the original print run of the book Half My Size with The Ridiculously Big Salad was shipped via the U.S. Post Office, despite challenges in supply at the national level and extreme volume limitations in this extremely rural location.
The whole story, highlighting an extremely solution-oriented and bootstrapping network of rural postmasters, made the national magazine of the U.S. Postal Service employees.
Eat Like a Bear in Woman’s World
To date, Eat Like a Bear! and its members have been featured in eight separate Bauer Media publications:
The Eat Like a Bear Books
We’ve got three books in digital. Two of those are also in print. The third will be in print some time in 2022. Find all of our premium content here (CLICK!).
Jump Start!
Your go-to starting place! The Eat Like A Bear! Jump Start book takes the massive success of the Three-Day Challenge and turns it up! The book teaches the framework that has driven the success you see on this website, centered around our own challenge, which was featured on a national magazine cover.
Ridiculously Big Salad
This book was a game-changer for our community’s success. I ate what we now call ‘The Ridiculously Big Salad’ about four out of five days during my rapid weight loss phase, but I didn’t appreciate that it was a key success factor for me until I saw thousands of people implement it with great results. It’s simple and inexpensive, but it is a specific framework, not ‘just a salad.'”
Soups, Skillets, and Sautes
This highly-reviewed book complements the weight loss goals of both salad-eaters and salad-haters. The print version will be available in 2022, likely in the last half of the year. Get the digital version now and get to your goal weight before this book makes print!
The Viral “Postcards”
Before the Eat Like a Bear! community had dozens of 100+ pound loss cases, the early motivational message came via “postcards” — views of new life unencumbered by body weight and reflections on that transformation. Explore the postcards at Eat Like a Bear!
The Message in “A Postcard from Yellowstone”
Life can change completely in one year,” Amanda Rose asserts in the video A Postcard from Yellowstone.
The strong “You Can Do It!” message, viewed by over five million people, captured the hearts of thousands of older women, shaping the culture of support in the Eat Like a Bear! community.
Read the Postcard from Yellowstone story here (CLICK!).
Learn about the video’s role in the origin of Eat Like a Bear here (CLICK!)
More Postcards
Weight Loss Can Be Inexpensive!
Meta highlights Eat Like a Bear’s viral Facebook video and community
The community of Eat Like a Bear was formed around Amanda Rose’s success story, a story that went viral in Facebook beginning in 2018.
Meta highlighted the virality of the community and the role of the Facebook app and, in particular, the Facebook Group in supporting the large and growing community of Eat Like a Bear.
Given Amanda’s extreme rural location in California’s Giant Sequoia National Monument, the origin and success of Eat Like a Bear simply would not have been possible without social media and, more specifically, without the structure of the Facebook Group.
Read more about the Eat Like a Bear origin story here (CLICK!).
The Lost Ozark Post Office
In a spin-off story from our popular post office tale (in which a team of rural postmasters saved the Eat Like a Bear business in 2020), this heart-felt tale is perfect for those days when you need to fill your heart with tales of family life in rural America.
From Eat Like a Bear headquarters in California, this Ozark story intertwines with the Eat Like a Bear story in unexpected ways
Thank the Farmers for the Viral Lettuce
We fill a lot of shopping carts with lettuce and greens for those Ridiculously Big Salads and with broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and more for those Ridiculously Big Skillets.
Take a moment to reflect on what a miracle it is that we can get this year-round for a pretty frugal price.
More importantly: It is a key tool to help us reach our long-term goals. How awesome!
Amanda Rose had the opportunity to thank the Yuma farmers for their role, on Yuma’s KYMA news.
Start Here with the Three-Day Challenge!
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Read the Getting Started Frequently Asked Questions
Navigate some of the Eat Like a Bear! world with our Getting Started FAQ.
The Eat Like a Bear! Philosophy
Read more about our philosphy here, including how this site is funded.
The Eat Like a Bear! Origin Story
How did we end up in this unexpected universe? A combination of serendipity and good decisions. Read the origin story here.
Be Inspired with Success Stories
We are working to bring you the many success stories here at Eat Like a Bear. Find them here. (We are constantly behind on this most important project.)
Find our Books and Tools
Find the premium content driving massive amounts of success in this community. Find the latest books and tools here.
Our 100th Century Bear
Find the fun story of our surprise of the community’s 100th Century Bear (the 100th person down 100+ pounds). Read more here.