At this website’s inception, this is a zero income website but at some point, we may add some of these below. If we do, we’ll make it clear in context:
It is possible (though unlikely) that you will find ads on this site served to you by Google. If you do, we are paid when users click through an ad to read any advertisement that might interest them.
Affiliate Links
However unlikely, it is possible that this website contains “affiliate links” which means that if you buy a product through our links, we will earn a small commission on your purchase. This does not affect your purchase price; the vendor companies see it as a cost of doing business.
Any such occurrence will be noted with the link.
Food Placement in Videos and Other Content
If a branded food is used in a video, it’s possible that it was given to us free free by the manufacturer or that we have partnered to include it. As of 2022, we have not entered into such a partnership, and if we do we will make note in the video or post.
Amazon Links Specifically is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to However, we do not use this service actively and will always include a written or spoken indication of such a relationship as relevant.