Doris, pictured in her before and after photos, displaying her weight loss success story

Doris’s Weight Loss Success Story

Doris and her husband Faisal have both had great success with Eat Like a Bear, down 85 and 108 pounds respectively. Doris delighted us with her fashion report in the community’s “fashion goals” video (at 46 seconds and at 8 minutes 3 seconds), trying on dresses to wear to a wedding. This is Doris’s weight loss success story.


I started on May 5, 2019, and by my one-year anniversary, I lost a whopping 85 pounds through this wonderful Eat Like a Bear group!

There’s so much freedom in eating this way, with intermittent fasting and a ridiculously big salad, that you can live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life! When I started Eat Like a Bear, my inflammation was so bad. I had terrible arthritis, and today my arthritis is almost nonexistent!

Maintaining the Weight Loss

My doctor said I should stop at 170 because I am tall. My body just wanted to keep losing, so today I weigh 151 pounds. So as you can see, when in maintenance, sometimes you continue to lose weight even though you’re trying to stop. But listen to your body; it is smart!

Doris, pictured in her before and after photos, displaying her weight loss success story

Life is wonderful in maintenance! There’s more choices and a variety of things to eat. Remember, you have so many tools that you bring over from when you were grinding it out and losing weight, all the discipline that you learned and the healthy foods that you learn to make, especially the ridiculous big salad from Amanda Rose!

In maintenance, you have to discover what number of calories you can add to your maintenance way of eating. You have to experiment and try to add new foods slowly, specially picking non-inflammatory foods.

I added some cooked foods, so now I do have baked potatoes or sweet potatoes now and then, which I love, and it really doesn’t affect my weight. I also love to have pistachios after my main meal. It’s my little treat.

I believe that if you continue to use the Eat Like a Bear framework you learn when you’re in the weight loss process, and add a few foods that do not cause inflammation to your body, that will bring you good results.

Tips for Newcomers

If I had any advice, I would say do not go back to sweet desserts and having sugar. That will really start up your cravings for sweets again. I still use Monk fruit if I want something sweet. I’ve also added an exercise program I do at home: 30 minutes on the treadmill, lifting weights, and using bands to build muscle tone!

I found maintenance to be very liberating and easy to manage. Just start slowly, stay with what you learned and just expand a few things on your menu! We can live with this way of eating for a lifetime. It is something that is manageable and has great freedom in it! I know you Bears can do this!! I am doing it, so you can do it too! Maintenance land is a wonderful place. Come join me. I’m waiting for you! I’m rooting you on!

Doris and her husband, before and after photos

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