Our Unique Weight Loss Blueprint

Amanda Rose, Anna, Melinda, and Lorrie showing weight loss progress
easier, not harder…

Join Our Member-Support Community

Lose 100 pounds.

Lose your last 20 pounds.

We do both well.

Our member support area provides you with additional support and tools to get you there faster AND to help you maintain your gains.

  • Join 723 people with advanced tools and resources.
  • In a program featured in nine national magazines, six regional television spots, and local print coverage
  • Join over 200 community members to date who have lost over 100 pounds.
  • Join tens of thousands who’ve lost dozens of pounds.

Two Levels: Gold and Platinum

Our GOLD level provides access to our Recipe Finder tool, increased access to our Facebook communities, and access to our challenges.

Our PLATINUM level provides all of the above plus access to our DEEP DEN private video library, weekly live videos, and our private Deep Den member area. Generally, this area is for people with more time for longer discussions and longer-form video content who are looking for deeper content and discussion.

Your Gold-Level Membership, Focused on What to Eat

All members receive high-level tools to help with one of life’s biggest problems.

Quarterly and annual payment options

(1) Access to our digital Recipe Finder tool and Tasty Tuesday emails.

This is an app-like tool that you use on your browser. It is highly mobile-responsive, so easy to access when you’re out and about. It will be an actual app by 2025. We are building out the recipe collection to meet the demand of other eating styles (including 2+ meals and more plant-based eating). Members also receive a “Tasty Tuesday” email that highlights an eating strategy and/or specific content in the recipe tool or challenges.

(2) Access to our exclusive member-only Facebook group

In this member-only group we have deeper discussions about food and consistency of implementation. All members have access to the Recipe Finder tool, making deeper discussions more possible.

You will also be white-listed in our 100k-member Facebook group to originate posts, following our community guidelines.

(3) Access to community challenges and posting privileges

Join regular weight loss challenges, potentially win their associated prizes, and receive added content. Post your own daily results in our large Stories group in Facebook, where you will receive a mountain of cheerleading. (Members have the exclusive privilege of originating posts in that group.)

Your Platinum-Level Membership, a.k.a. The Deep Den

with all of the Gold-Level benefits above PLUS …

(4) A One-on-One Community of Support.

Our community discussion area is highly supportive. We encourage you to make friends and maybe even exchange texts to become accountability buddies. There are great people back here in our small, private community.

(5) Weekly LIVE videos

We have weekly live videos led by Amanda Rose. In some weeks the videos are open to the public or to gold-level members, but generally at least three a month are exclusive to Deep Den members and focus on psychology of implementation.

(6) The Deep Den Content Library

The content library has over 30 long-form videos and related content on eating psychology that have not been published anywhere else.

We reference these in our weekly live videos as added resources for you.

Gold Level

Cost: $49/quarter or $119/year

Platinum Level (Deep Den)

Cost: $97/quarter or $297/year

The Key Difference Between the Two Levels

Generally, the Platinum-level content offers a depth of educational content that is game-changing, but if your purpose is just to grab recipes, your cash is better served in our other level of support.

The content in the Facebook-centered Gold Level, with its recipe-based support, is much more “nuggetized” for busy people.


Active community members


Gold and platinum members


Documented members who have lost 100+ pounds


National magazine features


Number of years of community success
no hidden costs

No, it is not expensive. Save money AND time with our approach.

Our member area is member-funded (that is, you pay to be a member), however my goal for everyone is to be free from the lifelong struggle, including ongoing supplements and medications and other expenses. Stay in our member area as long as you would like (because we are pretty cool), but it’s a feather in our cap for you to graduate as well, and live your new life of freedom.

Use a bit of your savings to reinvest back into yourself with these member tools.

Use the rest of your savings on your new wardrobe.

Save money.

On multiple occasions, I have demonstrated implementing our approach on a SNAP (food stamps) budget. With access to a food pantry, you can save even more.

Or spend a lot, if you wish.

At the risk of being obvious, you can also spend as much as you wish on your food and ingredients. (May we all have enough to spend as much as we wish.)

Save yourself TIME.

What we do is simple and quick to implement. Sure, you can take more time on your food preparation if you choose.

Leverage that time.

Take all that wonderful extra time and go out and live your most vibrant life. That is our core specialty here at Eat Like a Bear.

About Me

Amanda Rose, Ph.D., Founder of Eat Like a Bear

I lost 140 pounds in 2017-2018, and my weight loss story went viral in the 2018 Facebook video. I recreated my 2017 family vacation photos from Yellowstone National Park in the video “A Postcard from Yellowstone.”

I had always been quite overweight, and I ended 2018 at my lowest adult weight (140 pounds), having leveraged a simple and inexpensive eating approach.

As people followed me and joined together in a small Facebook community, I did something unusual: I leveraged my experience as a government program evaluator and Ph.D. data analyst and I turned my analyst lens on the community itself. Through observing thousands of people engaged in real-life weight loss efforts, our community got better and better at fine-tuning what was working for us in weight loss.

That knowledge helped me maintain my own weight through these years, despite devastating circumstances in my home life during that time.

In these years, my story and the many amazing stories coming out of the community have been featured in national magazines, regional television, and regional and local print publications.

From Amanda Rose, Ph.D., Eat Like a Bear! Founder:

Our member areas are member-funded by the communities of Eat Like a Bear, where community members have the opportunity to access more in-depth content and to engage and interact more deeply with other community members who are also dialed in on their weight loss success.

There are no corporate sponsors back here selling you other things.

These areas are free of advertisements and have the core goal of setting us free from the $76 billion dollar weight loss industry.

Each member is, in fact, her or his own sponsor.

Are these costs worth it?

In my opinion, these prices are the best value across all of time and space.

I have already bet on you.

I spent six years building this whole infrastructure, including foregoing a salary that would have otherwise been in the seven digits over those six years.

I also spent over a year seeking the right sponsors for this project. There are plenty of wrong sponsors and the only current right sponsor at this time is you sponsoring yourself.

As you consider sponsoring yourself, your core question is which membership option is best for you.

The lists above briefly describe the difference. Please feel free to ask your unique questions at support@eatlikeabear.com

Also, do keep in mind that we have lots of support in our books for the “what to eat” specifics, for anyone seeking to up their game on the food side who is not interested in a membership option.

However it is that you carve out your own path, I wish you the very best. I am here in these Dens if you need more support from me and the Bear community.

Love, Amanda

Amanda Rose sitting in a lawn chair near the beach

The Flavor of the Member-Funded Content

The Deep Den Content Library: Deeper Discussions Rooted in Research

In our Eat Like a Bear! Stories community on Facebook, members post daily about how they got off track and are having difficulty getting back on track. We approve the post, and that person gets a lot of advice from the main community. I personally do not have time to even approve the posts, much less respond to them. But in The Deep Den (Platinum membership level), community members receive a Deep Den response from me. In my responses, I will likely direct you to deeper video content, content that is rooted in the social science research on strategic food choice.

Way back when I was working on my doctoral dissertation, I applied these theories to voting and public opinion. Back in the 90s, it simply never occurred to me to apply them to my weight. That’s what I do these days. 🙂

This is simply more support than I could ever offer in our large and growing main community on Facebook.

Amanda Rose in a Ph.D. cap and gown with publications

In fact, I make new content all the time based on our discussions in The Deep Den, so you could end up with a video response, a video series, or a guide as a response.

In past sessions, we produced some cool content based on the discussions we had:

Your deeper questions get deeper answers in The Deep Den (Platinum level), and not just from me but from other community members.

Members at the Platinum level have access to deeper content that informs their decisions and their responses to other members. Overall, the quality of discussions is far higher in The Deep Den.

  • I conceived of the Big Bear Blueprint course while engaging in The Deep Den. Members were asking questions about food. I was laid up on my couch with COVID. I had an epiphany about how to communicate it all better. Some weeks later, community members had access to all that new content.

  • The big “declutter” theme you see in The Deep Den rose out of the real-world need we have all had to work on our home environments. How we approach it as a community has developed over time, based on member discussions.

  • Members worked together with our leaders to create a strategy to help make weekend food choices easier.

Those richer discussions are the core source of support you will find in The Deep Den.

The Very Biggest and Most Impactful Thing I Hope to Achieve with Member Tools: Easier, Not Harder

I want to increase the chances that we all stay connected through the good days and the bad days. It is pretty obvious to point out that weight loss and, especially weight maintenance, fall apart on “the bad days,” largely because we disconnect and disassociate from the pain and struggle of weight loss.

Here’s what I’ve noticed: When bad days come and decisions become difficult, and we lapse into old behaviors, one of those old behaviors is, of course, eating in the way that caused us to gain weight in the first place. (Obviously.)

Then, because of the potential for shame and self-judgment, we disconnect from the goal and the weight piles back on. (Obviously.)

I can easily gain a pound a day if I’m not paying attention. On the flip side, I’d have to be pretty focused to lose 1/3 pound a day. It piles on FAR more quickly than it comes off. (Obviously.)

It doesn’t take much disconnecting to return to how we were (or in a worse condition).

I don’t want you to disconnect!!!


The Deep Den is a key place to stay connected.

The Community Philosophy

Make no mistake: Getting to a place where all of this is much, much easier is a target to shoot for. We have good days, bad days, and imperfect days. We are hopefully in continuous movement toward our goal, and that focus is what will help keep us from ricocheting back into the more painful situation we’ve come from.

Some of us head off in a positive direction faster and more directly than others. It is the whole diversity of struggles and approaches that help us learn how to get there in a more straightforward fashion and how to hang in there on bad days.

That said, if you are in The Deep Den (Platinum level) and struggling, your story will help the community grow stronger. Struggles are also called experience, and we use experience to make tomorrow easier.

The “Easier, Not Harder” Content Focus

Part of the way we make life “easier, not harder” is through deeper discussions of our core tenets. The emails you receive from me will mostly be centered on these topics:

The Big Goal: We dive deeply into this important topic as well as all the little goals and simple tools we can use to integrate this more systematically into our lives.

Internal Bargaining: You know that voice in your head that’s always telling you to eat the doughnut (or the chips or whatever it is)? That’s you in there, and you need to be strategic in your thinking to win that battle.

Good Day/Bad Day Structures: We all have good days and bad days. As it turns out, weight loss falls apart on the bad days. How do we leverage the good days to shore up the bad? We have great discussions on this important topic. We need to make our bad days easier, not harder.

Content Delivery

Much of the core content in The Deep Den (Platinum level) is delivered via video, both pre-recorded and live.

Some content is delivered as downloadable PDF files.

All content is 100% digitally-based.

The Member Price Tag

Here in California, the cost on a weekly basis for any of these options is less than one fast food meal a week.

We’re cheaper than fast food!

If I were me and reading this page, I’d just forego the fast food and take shelter in The Deep Den. That decision would, in fact, save me money and probably help me trim up at the same time.

Other notable comparisons:

  • Each week in our Gold-level Swanky Bear community (with the Recipe Finder) currently costs $2.28 per week on an annual membership basis and $4.08 per week on a quarterly basis, cheaper than a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
  • Each week in The Deep Den (Platinum level) costs you about US$6 with the annual option and $7.46 per week with the quarterly option, half the cost of a fast food meal.
  • What we eat at Eat Like a Bear! also saves us a good bit more than $2.28 or $6 a week. Reinvest those dollars into your future self, and use it today to make tomorrow easier.

At the end of the day, this is the price it costs to provide this additional support, and our pockets are pretty empty, so we do pass the hat.

With the fairly extreme amount of weight loss success we’ve had in these past several years, I expect we could ask a good bit more than a few dollars a week.

Gold Level

Cost: $49/quarter or $119/year

Platinum Level (Deep Den)

Cost: $97/quarter or $297/year

Satisfaction Guaranteed

All of our digital-only products (including this one) have a seven-day satisfaction guaranteed policy. Not satisfied? Simply email support@eatlikeabear.com for a full refund.