If you are looking for “The Ridiculously Big Salad” book, you have NOT found it. It is in ​digital and print form here. ​

I say often that you need no drugs, surgery, or branded products to make the Bear Diet work. You don’t even need this e-book.

The ​big ​secret to your success…

I could tell you that the book will unlock the secrets to weight loss and transform your lives — that in the YouTube videos and Facebook content that I left out the three key ingredients to make this diet a success for you, and that the only way to unlock those secrets is to buy this e-book for $9.97. The fact is that many people have found my story and read and watched the content that is publicly and freely available on my channels. They have had great success, and so, obviously, you don’t really need this e-book to succeed. There are no secrets in it.

In fact, you’ll discover the real secret to your success by taking a hard look in the mirror, but I will add that we have some powerful tools to help straighten that path between your situation right now and your weight loss goal. The simplicity of our message and the power of our community has led to some of the more powerful transformation stories emerging in our society today.

Although we have more detailed content at Eat Like a Bear these days, with entire courses dedicated to weight loss, ​early adopters of the Eat Like a Bear! diet had only this simple little digital book to get started​. Many leaned on it heavily. The e-book is ​51 pages long and​ does distill it all in a convenient package. ​

​Grab it now for $9.97!

​​Get this life-changing little digital book in your email inbox in minutes! Get started!

​This is Me, Amanda Rose, Founder of Eat Like a Bear!

Amanda Rose, Ph.D., Founder of Eat Like a Bear!, a “Half My Size” case, down 140 pounds from 280 pounds. In The Bare Bones: Eat Like a Bear Blueprint, Amanda Rose describes the simple, inexpensive, and highly replicable method she used to lose 140 pounds. 

What You Get

The book is a 51-page digital download in PDF format, a digital file type compatible with many book-reading applications. After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link that will allow you to download it and save it to your computer. You can also print it up at home and even put it in a binder to read like an actual book.

The PDF document includes:

  • ​Chapter 1: Introduction (7 pages)
  • Chapter 2: Eat Like A Bear! (12 pages)
  • Chapter 3: Amanda’s Additional Success Factors (7 pages)
  • Chapter 4: Frequently Asked Questions (7 pages)
  • Chapter 5: What to Eat to Lose Weight (7 pages)
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion (2 pages)

The proceeds from this e-book will also do a couple of things:

(1) Give our group seed money to build our community better and with more intent. There are costs with moderating the group and content development. We could do all of that better with actual money. At one point I planned on funding our work with food sponsor dollars. However, I don’t want to give anyone the impression that there is any particular food that anyone needs to make this approach successful because there simply isn’t. On a related note, it’s probably best not to be overly-involved with corporate America, if you can avoid it. This e-book is me trying to avoid too much entanglement.

(2) Help me convince my husband that, at some point, he won’t be the one paying for this website.

That’s it! Check it out!

​Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this a recipe book? A: This is definitely NOT a recipe book. It describes a few meal frameworks, but it is the overall framework taught in the Eat Like a Bear group.

Q: Is this a print book? A: This is a digital PDF book. We do not make a print version of this book. However, the layout is designed to be printed easily on a home printer. You can also take it into a store like the FedEx store and have them print it for you.

Q: When will this book be available in print? A:  ​At this time, we do not plan a print version of this digital book. The digital “Jump Start” course we have on the website includes ​my latest entry-level book and that particular book is planned for print.

Q: Is my purchase refundable? ​A: If you bought the wrong item or it the ​description did not fit what you received, please email support for a refund (support@eatlikeabear.com) All digital content comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for seven days. It is delivered to your inbox within minutes.

​Grab it now for $9.97!

​​Get this life-changing little digital book in your email inbox in minutes! Get started!

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Eat Like A Bear! Manual (The Bear Bones)
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 8 reviews
 by Cary Bradley
Compelling writer, fast easy read

Amanda Rose is a born communicator, scientist by training, and all around great gal who has lived an amazing story and shares it compellingly in this little book. Driven by a passionate desire to conquer the weight beast, and the willpower and guts to venture out into a fairly uncharted territory, she succeeds by using her wits and documents her wild path here in the Eat Like a Bear Manual. I highly recommend listening in Amanda's own words to how she slayed her dragon and came to be leading a band of similarly enthused followers, each bringing their own stories of victories and strategies to conquer the weight burden. The book reads like you're sitting, enjoying a cup of tea with a friend. Come along for the ride and grab your own success. Enjoy! 🙂

 by Catie
Great Read

"Eat Like a Bear" founder Amanda has put together an easy-to-read e-book that explains her extraordinary, yet easy weight loss regime. I strongly recommend it to beginning "bear cubs" as well as long-time followers of this healthy eating habit, for the upscale, positive re-enforcement it offers! Thanks, Amanda!

Now I must go finish my OMAD!

 by Amc Pow

I just finished the book. I too was not blessed by God with a fast metabolism and a skinny body. I found that I can relate to Amanda completely. I've tried numerous diets and have been vegan/vegetarian for many years. I kept saying to myself as I read her book, Amanda and I are very similar in our story! What I like about Amanda's approach is that she advocates eating a lot of lettuce. I too enjoy salads and find that I can follow keto diet much easier by choosing to go Amanda's way rather than just eating a ton of meat and cheese. I look forward to my progress by eating like a bear. Thank you Amanda for sharing your story and your findings on your keto diet journey. You are an amazing inspiration for all of us!

 by Shelley
Eat Like a Bear manual

I have read the book and find it the perfect companion tool with the videos and live chats! It’s a resource you can go back to over and over while you learn the basics. Thanks so much for the time and effort it took to condense all these golden nuggets into one convenient spot ???

 by Tana Fauske

I have cupboard full of diet books, beginning with the Original Dr. Atkins book in 1972. I have done numerous diets, including the doctor supervised Medifast. I always ended up going back to low carb eating, because it works. Ten years ago, I lost 102 pounds in 10 months on Atkins. As I aged and metabolism slowed (I am 74), I found that just low carb was not working as before to lose weight, and keto was too much hassle (counting macros). Finally, I did evolve to eating in a specific window and mostly one meal a day.

I was fortunate to find the "Eat Like A Bear" group on Facebook, and also the ebook manual. I ordered it and printed it out for easy reference. This manual uses graphs which are so easy to understand, and lays out the basic guidelines for this eating plan without reading hundreds of pages of complicated scientific information or calculations. This manual could be a revelation to people who have almost given up in getting control over their eating, and becoming healthier.

I highly recommend this ebook to anyone looking for a simple, yet detailed plan that will guarantee success if you follow it. Even after close to 50 years of trying to lose or maintain weight, this manual offers some new ideas for succeeding in eating low carb, and how to shift things around a bit.

 by Donna Cloud
Eat Like A Bear

I had the privilege of joining this wonderful group Eat Like A Bear. I feel like for once I have the support I need to finally lose my weight. Amanda Rose wrote a book about her journey to her losing 140 pounds with nothing more that the right foods nothing else. This book was such an inspiration to me because I was doing keto but not the right way. I was struggling so badly. I know that now I can get the weight off for good. If you are struggling to get the way off please give Amanda’s way of keto a chance. You will be glad you did. It gave me the confidence I need to do this the right way.

 by Nancy Craig
Grab Those Bootstraps!

I love this book! I know it's an e-book but I am old school and printed it out. 😉 I have it right on my coffee table so I can refer to it easily. It is a short read but full of Power for sure. Amanda has laid out the whole Eat Like A Bear plan, her plan, tried and tested with huge results. She has included all her secrets along with charts right at my fingertips. I highly recommend buying this book! Reading it brought all of those loose ends, in my head, together and tied them all up to help me Grab my Bootstraps!

 by Victoria Llamas
Short and sweet

This book is a must have if you want to have all of the information at hand all the time. I have no patience waiting for anything. I want what I want immediately. When I read this book is was great because I didn't have to read tons of junk before I got to the important information. It was short, sweet and straight to the point. It was short enough that I could read it in less than an hour. As I said it was straight to the point and there was so much in the book that I didn't know. But best of all it got me excited to ELAB and lose this weight! Thanks Amanda!