Courses and Books Drive Success at Eat Like a Bear!

We have a growing collection of premium content here at Eat Like A Bear!, and we also have me running around saying “You don’t need to buy anything. You only need yourself.” Together, those statements cause confusion, so I attempt to navigate the issues for you here.

No Drugs, No Surgery, No Branded Products, in a Diet That Can Be Done on Food Stamps

Indeed, I lost weight completely on my own, with no special products, no surgery, eating in such a way that I could have lived on food stamps.

Do you need any of the information products I offer here? You already have what you need, because all you really need is yourself.

Might the premium content support your goal? Absolutely.

Does the premium content actually offer more value than what I give away for free on this site and in the community? Absolutely. It offers a whole lot more.

We had people reach their goals long before the digital content here existed. I then observed their cases and learned a good bit about what specifically has driven weight loss among them. I focus on those strategies in the premium content.

—> Read more about the premium content offerings here (CLICK!). <–

The Genesis and Development of the Premium Content

The premium content here at Eat Like A Bear! has a very interesting origin story because, in fact, it is based on what has driven the success of thousands of people.

Yes, it is essentially what I did to lose 140 pounds, but it shines a light on the key elements that drive success.

Consider other weight loss success cases and the books that come from them: They might describe a whole bucketful of things that people did to lose weight, but probably without much awareness of what elements in that bucket are the most important. They might also not completely appreciate all of the things in their own bucket (because most of us really don’t, and I know that I did not).

As a specific example in my case, when I started the group, I taught about low-carb eating and intermittent fasting, but often not about “The Ridiculously Big Salad.” The Ridiculously Big Salad did not even have a name back then. I had no awareness that it really was its own distinct meal framework when I started the community in July 2018. The Eat Like A Bear! community taught me that point. The book Half My Size with The Ridiculously Big Salad drills down into that framework. The book has driven a whole lot of success in the community.

All of the premium content here is based on what is driving weight loss success in this community.

When I started the community, I announced “I am not sure what I am doing leading this, but if you want to follow someone who’s going to fight like hell to maintain this weight, you’ve found her!

And so here we are three years later. I can still fit into my jeans, and thousands of other people are tucking in shirts and wearing belts for the first time since 1983.

My success in maintenance is driven by this premium content that I have created. In fact, while I obviously did not need the premium content to lose weight, I do wonder whether I have needed it to maintain my weight loss. I expect so. I have learned a great deal about myself in the process, a point that you will not miss if you end up in the psychology course.

However, your best place to start here at Eat Like a Bear! is with our free content.

But First: The Free Three-Day Challenge

If somehow you’ve landed here and have not yet taken the Three-Day Challenge, that is absolutely your starting place. You will learn the main meal framework that drives the success you are seeing here. I teach it to you over three days. There are no additional “secrets.” It’s all right there.

Take it and run!

Find the Three-Day Challenge here.

From there, decide if you want to purchase premium content.

(Yes, the Three-Day Challenge was featured on the cover of Woman’s World magazine. ***bow***)

Compositional graphic of the December 28 2020 issue of Woman's World with Kathie Lee on the cover and Melinda and Gail's Eat Like a Bearstory

Buying The Digital Content Is a No-Brainer

As for the premium digital content, if you find the digital content to be lackluster and over-hyped, just ask for a refund. My husband, Sander, is back there in charge of customer service. Just email him at support(at) .

The print books are non-refundable, so don’t buy those if you think you might want a refund.

Just go digital!

—> You can do that here. <–

The Purpose of the Paid Digital Content

Much of what we do here at Eat Like A Bear! is ridiculously simple, and I definitely get people who say: “I don’t need to pay someone to teach me how to make a salad” (or whatever else).

I get it.

I took things like the salad for granted for months in the community before I wrote the book. If your current meal implementation is working for you, then go forth and keep doing it.

As simple as all of this is, this is also true: In all of this simplicity, I was fat for nearly 50 years. I have a Ph.D., and I was extremely eager all of those years not to be fat. I sure wish someone had told me about this 35 years ago.

I would have paid a heck of a lot more for this simplicity than any prices you see on this website.

Which Digital Content to Buy?

We have a good mix of content at this point.

To help you navigate your decision, find our most current available options here (CLICK!).

These Sales Generate Revenue for Everything We Do Here for Free

I am proud that at Eat Like A Bear! I can offer so much content and value completely free of charge, but I do get comments quite often that I should be offering a good bit more for free.

Here’s a cold, hard fact: None of this content would exist if all of it were free.

The free-to-you Three-Day Challenge would not exist. It would have never been featured on a national magazine cover. It would have never driven massive weight loss success. It requires a whole infrastructure to deliver, an infrastructure that is free to the community because I pay for it. The moderation of the Eat Like A Bear! community on Facebook is a big ticket, as well.

Take the free resources and run with them.

If you need more, this is me passing the hat — put your cash into the hat if you need more support or if you would like to support Eat Like a Bear!
Buy a book or course.
Learn more about them here (CLICK!).

I have recently recounted the Eat Like A Bear! backstory on YouTube. The revenue model portion is relevant here. We use the revenue here at Eat Like a Bear to support the free and paid materials and to grow the message.

Our Free Resources

We have a powerful combination of free resources here at Eat Like a Bear!, likely a key reason for the success you are seeing:

On the food front (“What to eat to lose weight”), the Three-Day Challenge is completely free and exposes you to the eating model that has driven much of the success you see.

On the psychology front, the main Facebook group, Eat Like a Bear! Stories, will give you daily inspiration to help you on your path. (Frankly, it may provide inspiration by the minute.)

I’ll be honest and say that for the past year I have struggled to keep these two key resources free. They have gotten fairly expensive to maintain, and I have used all of the revenue from the paid content to keep these free to the community.

Moving forward, I do hope to put additional free content onto YouTube (with a focus on member success and stories), and I will be selling Bear-related merchandise to make that possible. Look both for that free content and for the opportunity to support it.

Paid Resources in Development

As this community grows, we regularly have many requests for additional types of support. As we have looked at demand and what we can offer from the point of view of quality and success, we have begun to develop a paid member area with an over-arching focus on the psychology of implementation. It is also allowing us to offer some community activities and resources that we simply have not been able to afford in our main (free) community area.

The main area continues to be free and it continues to drive massive amounts of success. We hope that will never change. We encourage you to lean into whichever portion makes sense for your situation.


  1. I bought the books as well as the $97 digital bundle. Each day I read from the books and watch the videos. What is really clicking for me is that with the digital bundle videos I have my own personal coach(Amanda) and cheering squad(Amanda). That has been invaluable to me. The only time it’s about the food(and the salad dressings are delicious!), is during my one hour eating window every 24 hours a day. The other 23 hours are all about psychology. I have to recognize what the problems are to make everlasting changes.
    That’s the value in the bundle. Making everlasting changes.
    Buy the bundle.

  2. So…the (developing) psych course which is digital will be updated in summer- even if I purchase now? Because I want that but willing to wait.

  3. How about adding a donate button for those of us grateful bears? I think you could do it through paypal.

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